Michael Bonata

Michael Bonata

Info on Michael

  • Born: June 16, 1888
  • Birthplace: Lozzo Atestino, Italy
  • Education: Graz University of Technology (Electrical Engineering)
  • Hobbies: Golf, Carpentry
  • Occupation: Electrician
  • Died: December 8, 1969

Michael's life was a testament to resilience, hard work, and the pursuit of knowledge. Born in 1888 in the picturesque town of Lozzo Atestino, Italy, he embarked on a journey that would span decades and continents. His early years were shaped by the beauty of the Italian countryside, but Michael's ambitions extended far beyond his hometown.

Education & Career

Education was a cornerstone of Michael's life. He pursued Electrical Engineering at Graz University of Technology, a testament to his curiosity and desire to understand the world around him. This academic pursuit laid the foundation for his career as an electrician, a role he would excel in for many years.

Michael was a dedicated and skilled electrician. He quickly gained a reputation for his meticulous work and problem-solving abilities, tackling complex projects with ease. His innovative spirit led to the development of several groundbreaking electrical solutions.

Personal Life

Beyond his professional life, Michael had a passion for hobbies that brought him joy and fulfillment. Golf and carpentry were not just pastimes for him; they were avenues for creativity and relaxation, showing his multifaceted nature and his ability to find balance in life.

Family was paramount to Michael. He married on August 8th, 1911, and together with his wife, they built a life filled with love and shared experiences. Their first child, born on October 11, 1914, marked the beginning of a new chapter, one that would see them grow as individuals and as a family.


Michael retired as an electrician on February 14th, 1944. His retirement marked the end of an era in his life, but it was also the beginning of a new chapter filled with relaxation, leisure, and time spent with loved ones. After years of hard work and dedication as an electrician, Michael finally had the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of his labor and indulge in his favorite pastimes.


On December 8, 1969, Michael passed away, leaving behind a legacy of hard work, determination, and love. He was known for his kindness, generosity, and unwavering integrity. He had a warm and welcoming personality, always ready with a smile and a helping hand for those in need. His compassion knew no bounds, and he was deeply empathetic towards others, offering comfort and support in times of difficulty. His life serves as an inspiration to all who knew him, a reminder of the importance of pursuing one's passions, cherishing family, and embracing all that life has to offer.

Photos of Michael

  1. Birth

    Michael was born in the charming town of Lozzo Atestino, PD, Italy, on June 16, 1888, setting the stage for a life filled with purpose and accomplishment.

  2. Marriage

    Michael entered into marriage on August 8th, 1911, embarking on a lifelong journey of love, partnership, and shared dreams with his beloved.

  3. First House

    On December 11th, 1912, Michael and his wife purchased their first house, a symbol of their commitment to building a stable and loving home for their growing family.

  4. First Child

    Their first child, born on October 11, 1914, brought immeasurable joy and new responsibilities, marking the beginning of Michael's role as a loving and devoted parent.

  5. First Car

    Michael acquired his first car, a 1921 Lincoln Model L, on July 4th, 1922, a symbol of his hard-earned success and a newfound sense of freedom and mobility.

  6. Retirement

    After a successful career spanning decades, Michael retired as an electrician on February 14th, 1944, marking the end of an era filled with dedication, hard work, and achievement.

  7. Death

    Michael passed away on December 8, 1969, leaving behind a legacy of love, hard work, and cherished memories for his family and friends.

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