
Livon In This World

A mere stone does not do a life story justice.

How It Works


Log in or create a new Livon account.


Create a custom memorial for your loved one. Once you choose to publish your memorial, it will get a unique URL that can be viewed by anyone.


Order a QR code linked with your loved one's memorial, which can be printed/engraved on the desired material of your choice.


Place the QR code on your loved one's tombstone, which can then be scanned by anyone using a mobile device to learn more about your loved one's life story.

What's a QR Code?

A QR (Quick Response) code is a powerful tool that transforms your loved one's memorial into a timeless, accessible story. This machine-readable optical label holds key information about the individual it commemorates. By linking a QR code to a virtual memorial page on our website, you enable anyone with a mobile device to seamlessly access and explore a rich tapestry of memories, photos, and anecdotes about your dearly departed. This two-dimensional code serves as a bridge between the physical and digital realms, allowing anyone to honor and celebrate the life of your loved one with ease. Most modern mobile devices come equipped with a built-in QR code reader, ensuring that sharing these cherished memories requires no additional app downloads.

Create a Livon account today and begin sharing your loved one's legacy with the world.